Our mission is to celebrate the power of reconnecting to nature and the divine within, as a platform for healing, transformation, and living a life of purpose.
Circle of Sacred Church was founded 15 years ago. We are a diverse community of individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds. Our ceremonial spiritual practice offers an opportunity to deeply reflect on one's life though the spirit that guides our work is one of community and celebration of our interconnection with all life. A central part of our practice is tuning into the wisdom of nature, honoring cycles, and making peace with change and evolution in all its forms.

Statement of Beliefs
1. Nature is the divine source of all life and our connection to her is sacred.
2. The body is a holy vessel for divine spirit.
3. Through honoring our interdependence with all of life's elements, we commune with the divine.
4. A harmonious life is achieved through compassion, service, and fostering balance with all relations.
Circle of Sacred Nature is a 501 c3 multi-faith church. Our central ceremonial practice is based on the spiritual healing tradition of the Kamëntšá tradition of Sibundoy, Putumayo. Our Ministry is led by women apprentices of Taita Juan Bautista Agreda Chindoy, a recognized tribal leader, traditional healer, lineage holder, and current Governor of the Kamëntšá people.

Indigenous Reciprocity
We are committed to engaging in indigenous reciprocity. As an organization we support the roots of where our founding lineage originates. Our fundraising goes toward scholarships to increase access to our programs, and toward indigenous-led initiatives for community resiliency in Sibundoy, Putumayo.
Ethical Principles
As an organization CSN is committed to:
Honoring the inherent worth, dignity, and capacity of every human being for spiritual growth.
Engaging in meaningful reciprocity and solidarity with the indigenous roots upon which our sacramental practice originates.
Countering oppression of all forms in consideration of justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and the transforming power of love.
Creating a culture of relating that is rooted in peaceful communication and honors the sacredness of dialogue when conflicts arise.
As an organization Circle of Sacred Nature prohibits ethical, sexual, physical, and emotional misconduct, abuses of power, and discrimination of any kind.
Please contact Circle of Sacred Nature leadership at info@circleofsacrednature.org if any concerns arises with our organization.